Anxiety, regulating emotions and bodies, sensory disorders, ADHD, autism, impulsivity, depression in children and teens… parenting struggles stem from a variety of sources and we see a significant increase within our classrooms and the families in our communities. Busy Bee is now hosting, open to the public, monthly parenting support groups and individual, family, and small group coaching sessions to offer support and education. We want to share our expertise and experience and the support from professionals within our commmunity with you and your beautiful family.

Monthly Parenting Support Group

Community: Find connection with families that are navigating through similar circumstances as you give and receive support and gain inspiration and perspective in a safe space.

Learn New Parenting Skills: Growth and change is hard and group leaders, featured specialists visitors, and group members can support you in the journey to promote emotional and physical health and healing, strengthen relationships, cope, and create positive parenting experiences.

Individual, Family, and/or Small Group Coaching

Coaching sessions can be customized to serve the needs of each family. Meet individually, as a family, or with another family with similar experiences. Whether you choose the option of an occasional session or book a series of sessions, we look forward to connecting with your individualized needs as we share, evaluate, educate, implement strategies, and grow together.

Meet Michele and Elizabeth

Michele Worton Caillier graduated with her Masters in Education, specializing in early childhood education with a concentrated focus on diversity of language and learning differences. She has both professional and personal experience with children with ADHD, autism, depression, and anxiety and has a great love of advocating for children.

Elizabeth June Goodman graduated with her Masters in social work , specializing in interpersonal pracitce with children and youth, child welfare fellow work with families in interpersonal practice, group and experiential modalities, adolescents, children and families. She has experience with trauma, learning differences, and spectrum disorders.

"Every child is a different kind of flower that altogether makes this world a beautiful garden."

- Author Unknown

